Made for a Durex brief in D&AD’s “New Blood” competition, this is an idea I still have a lot of heart for. Just waiting for the stars to align between my employment and the Olympic cycle.
Brief: Fight for diverse representation and empowerment in sex for disabled people.
Idea: The hookup culture amongst Olympians is constantly the subject of public fascination. Let’s make that hookup culture accessible for Paralympians too.
Art Director: Toni León
*AD BREAK that’s actually a break from ads instead of a break for ads.* Here are some of my favorite pics I’ve taken! First 9 were with a Nikon L35AF that I lovingly submerged in half a bottle of rosé in Brooklyn... RIP. Last 6 were with my current darling, a Fujifilm F30.
And lastly, the first ads I ever made. :’) In UT’s portfolio program, you start with a solo campaign that you write and art direct yourself. After many hours on YouTube, I put these together, garnered much respect for my art director counterparts, and had a bit of fun gosh darnit. They even won a couple of ADDYs.