Honda DreamLab
🏆: 2024 Webby Honoree, 2023 OMMA Award, 2023 Platinum MUSE Award
📰: AdAge, Adweek, The Fader, Marketing Dive

In 2022, Honda tasked us with overhauling their esports Twitch channel, Head2Head. As the platform is saturated with gaming content, they wanted an idea that could break through the clutter. 

We saw an opportunity to work with the other cogs in the creator economy. After all, gamers are just one piece of the pie. Artists, musicians, chefs. They were all waiting to get their shine on Twitch.

To give them that spotlight, I helped concept a fresh channel identity with new content series. Additionally, I led copy across the entire platform — creating themes for our episodes, scripting out each stream, and writing Twitch and social deliverables.

Agency: Quantasy    CD: Lucy Wang, Trenton Foon    Art Director: Kevin Carter

Our most popular livestream series, Dream It Yourself (DIY), challenges rising creatives to show off their crafts in under 100 minutes. We work with them to source Honda materials for their projects. And I get to do my best Sean Evans impression as I dive into their backgrounds to arm our hosts with material. Watch some of our project recaps on the @HondaCreativeStudio YouTube channel!

My personal favorite project! Made by Lightning Keyboards. Complete with a “shift” key. 😮‍💨

While DIY has become our main series, DreamLab has experimented with other content. Dashboard DJ was a show that pit two DJs against one another in back-to-back sets, which viewers supported through a chat-enabled hypemeter. And we’ve also produced a couple of one-off streams for significant brand moments, like the 50th anniversary of the Civic.
From Left: F1Elly, Joey Lee, Sara Choi
Finally, Honda liked our energy so much that DreamLab had a few chances to show up IRL. Our most recent activation, HondaMart, was a Japanese konbini “convenience store”-inspired setting that celebrated the 2024 Prologue with unique eats and cooking experiences. Done at the MAMA’s NIGHTMARKET food festival in Los Angeles.